Frequently Asked Questions
The Ohio Township Road Department maintains only township roads. Contact the township office at (412) 364-6321 if a problem is identified. Allegheny County maintains county roadways and can be contacted at (412) 350-5902. State roadways are maintained by PennDOT and can be reached at 1-800-FIX-ROAD.
Which public school will my child attend?
Avonworth School District. Contact the administrative offices at (412) 369-8738 or visit their website at
What are the telephone numbers of the High School, Middle School, and Elementary School?
Avonworth High School.............(412) 366-6360
Avonworth Middle School..........(412) 366-9650
Avonworth Elementary School...(412) 366-7170
Avonworth Primary Center.........(412) 366-7171
What types of local taxes am I required to pay?
A. Real Estate taxes are levied by three taxing bodies based on the assessed property values as established by Allegheny County. Those taxing bodies and the discount deadline dates for payment of taxes are as follows:
- Ohio Township - April 30th - (412) 528-4858
- Avonworth School District - August 31st - (412) 528-4858
- Allegheny County - March 31st - (412) 350-4100
B. An earned income tax of 1% is split equally between the township and the Avonworth School District.
C. A $52 Local Services Tax is levied on those individuals who work within the township, including those that are self employed. The tax is collected by Ohio Township. $5.00 of the Local Services Tax is forwarded to Avonworth School District.
Where do I pay my Real Estate Taxes?
Kristen Pontello, the elected Real Estate Tax Collector, collects the Township and Avonworth School District Real Estate taxes. Her office is located within the municipal building at 1719 Roosevelt Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. The office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am to Noon. The phone number is (412) 528-4858. The fax number is (412) 528-4861.
Where do I pay my Earned Income Taxes?
Keystone Municipal Collections at 546 Wendel Road, Irwin, PA 15642 . They can be reached by calling (724) 978-0300. Their web address is Our Political Subdivison Code (PSD) is 710205. The tax rate for Ohio Township / Avonworth School District totals one percent (1%).
How do I register to vote?
Allegheny County manages and maintains all voting information.
To Register You Must:
- Be a citizen of the U.S. for at least one month before the next election;
- Be a resident of Pennsylvania and your election district for at least 30 days before the next election;
- Be at least 18 years of age on the day of the next election.
Voter Registration applications are available at the municipal office or from Allegheny County Election Department. The county can be reached by phone at (412) 350-4500 or click here for their website.
Where do I vote?
Ohio Township is divided into 3 voting districts. Ohio Township Nature Center in the municipal park at 325 Nicholson Road, Sewickley, PA 15143 serves as the venue for District 1 (lower level) and District 2 (upper level) Beginning with the 2021 Primary Election, District 3 voters will vote at Christ Church at Grove Farm, 249 Duff Road, Sewickley, PA 15143. The polls are open on election day from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
What types of activities require a permit?
New home or building construction, building alterations, earth moving / grading, swimming pools, sheds, vehicles over 10-tons on township roads, sign installation, commercial occupancy, opening a township street or right-of-way, driveway connection, building demolition, security alarm, mechanical devices, and solicitation.
Who collects my garbage and recyclables?
Waste Management provides all residential trash, recycling and yard waste collection. They can be reached at 1-800-866-4460. Service is mandatory for all residents. New Residents should call Waste Management directly to establish service and order trash, recycling and optional yard waste carts. For more program details, download a copy of the Customer Handbook.
What day is my trash and recycling collected?
Monday is collection day for trash, recycling and seasonal yard waste.
What do I do with my yard waste? Waste Management collects yard waste weekly from the first full week of March through the second Friday after Thanksgiving. Yard Waste can be accumulated for collection using your 95-gallon Green-Top cart. This service is optional for residents. In lieu of or in addition to the Green-Top cart, you may also choose to use up to three (3) paper composting bags (purchased at most home improvement stores) as part of the weekly seasonal yard waste collection at no extra charge. Charges for more than three (3) bags are shown in the Customer Handbook.
Does Waste Management have a Senior Citizen Program for trash collection?
Yes. Senior citizens (65 years or age and older) are eligible for a 10% discount. Seniors must contact the municipal office at (412) 364-6321 to establish eligibility.
What types of items are recycled?
Plastics #1 & #2 , metal containers, glass, as well as magazines, newspapers and cardboard are recyclable. Recycling containers are in three (3) sizes: 35-gallon for 1 & 2 person households and Seniors, 65-gallon (standard size) and 95-gallon. Recyclables should be placed loosely in your cart and not in bags.
How do I dispose of Large Items, Bulk Items, Appliances or schedule a Volume Pick-Up?
Large Items, bulk items, appliance collection and volume pick-ups will be available for collection on your regularly scheduled day of pick-up. One (1) bulk item will be collected on regularly scheduled collections date without scheduling the extra collection in advance. Any additional excess collections can be schedule with Waste Management directly. To use this service, residents must contact Waste Management 24 hours in advance by phone at 1-800-866-4460 or by email at to make arrangements for these special pickups.
How do I dispose of household hazardous waste, T.V.'s, electronics and computers?
Residents have a convenient way to dispose of all of these items through the At Your Door Household Hazardous Waste program. Residents can call 1-800-449-7587 or visit to schedule collection at your door. Reference the Customer Handbook for more details.
Who do I call when I am having water problems?
West View Water provides public water service to township residents and can be reached by calling (412) 931-3292.
Residents with well water should contact the Allegheny County Health Department at (412) 578-8040.
Who do I call if my power goes out?
To report an outage call 412-393-7100, or click on the "Report Outage" link on our website. In addition, be sure to follow Duquesne Lights Facebook and Twitter pages as they post up-to-date alerts regarding outages in our service territory.
Which cable company services Ohio Township?
Comcast Cable can be reached at 1-800-COMCAST or at Verizon also offers cable in the area. They can be reached at 1-800-660-2215 or at
What is the telephone number for the Post Office?
Three (3) post offices serve Ohio Township. Their numbers are as follows:
- Sewickley (15143) - (412) 741-1925
- McKnight Road (15237) - (412) 364-2624
- Northside (15202) - (412) 761-0527
Where is the local library?
The Sewickley Public Library is located at 500 Thorn Street, Sewickley, PA 15143. For hours of operation, call (412) 741-6920.
Who is the local Magistrate / District Justice?
Tara Smith is the Magistrate / District Justice for Ohio Township. Her office is located 11 Meade Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202. Telephone No. (412) 761-8770.
Important telephone numbers for Allegheny County:
Allegheny County Assistance (General Information)...................(412) 350-5313
Allegheny County Department of Real Estate.............................(412) 350-4600
Allegheny County Department of Elections.................................(412) 350-4500
Allegheny County Road Maintenance.........................................(412) 350-5902
Allegheny County Treasurer (County Taxes / Dog Licenses)......(412) 350-4100
Allegheny County Delinquent Tax Info - Jordan Tax Services.....(412) 835-5243
Allegheny County Senior Citizen Tax Relief Program..................(412) 350-3875
Allegheny County Register of Wills..............................................(412) 350-4180
Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds..........................................(412) 350-4227
Pittsburgh Poison Center.............................................................1-800-222-1222
(24 Hour Emergency Number)